We would love to have you join our Association. Membership year is from 1 July to 30 June each year.

Types and Cost of Membership:

(a) Ordinary Member – ($AU80 per annum)

  1. completed HTP Level 1 or above;
  2. is entitled to full voting rights.

(b) Associate Member – ($AU50 per annum)

  1. non HTP practitioner or non HTP student;
  2. friend/supporter of HTP;
  • is not entitled to voting rights.

Association Membership Benefits:

  • Membership of the Association Inc.;
  • Reduced HTP class/workshop fees;
  • Discounted fees for eligible HTP events, such as regional/national conferences;
  • AGM attendance and voting rights (Ordinary Members only);
  • HTP Practitioner listing in Practitioners’ Directory;
  • Quarterly newsletter.

To apply for membership, please contact:

Bev Miles, Hon. Treasurer

Phone: 0416.234.311

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Our Vision Statement:

"Inspiring and Empowering Humanity to achieve Holistic Health, Healing and Well Being."
To represent the Healing Touch Program and be recognised as the major energy medicine specialist organisation in Australia for the holistic health, healing and well-being of the Australian community.

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